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Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 30(1): 41-47, 20240000. graf, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551374


El dolor crónico asociado a heridas de larga evolución en miembros inferiores constituye una situación de conflicto con características angustiantes que compromete seriamente la calidad de vida e interfiere en el proceso de reparación tisular, estableciendo un cuadro propio en el cual la herida se transforma en un componente más de esta compleja condición y no el motivo en sí de la consulta. Dadas las limitaciones y efectos negativos de las terapias usuales para el alivio del dolor crónico en heridas, se establece una apertura a nuevas propuestas adyuvantes. Motivo de ello es el propósito del presente trabajo, a través del uso de sevoflurano tópico para evaluar el incremento de la analgesia en una población con úlceras en miembro inferior de diverso origen etiológico.

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Lower Extremity/injuries , Chronic Pain/therapy , Sevoflurane/therapeutic use
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 29(1): 43-47, 20230000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1428804


Los miembros inferiores están sujetos frecuentemente a traumas que ocasionan daño de estructuras vitales y que pueden dejar secuelas funcionales y estéticas en las personas. Las lesiones de tejidos blandos son las que asientan en la piel, tejido celular subcutáneo, aponeurosis, músculos, vasos y nervios. Del manejo oportuno y adecuado de las lesiones que se presenten posteriores a un trauma de tejidos blandos dependerá el resultado, el tiempo de recuperación, costos de hospitalización y sobre todo la preservación de las funciones de locomoción y sostén del miembro afectado

The lower limbs are frequently exposed to traumas that cause vital structures damage and can leave functional and aesthetic sequelae in patients. Soft tissue lesions are those that affect the skin, subcutaneous cellular tissue, fascia, muscles, vessels, and nerves. The result, recovery time, hospitalization costs and, above all, the preservation of the locomotion and support functions of the affected limb will depend on the timely and adequate management of injuries that occur after a soft tissue trauma.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Soft Tissue Injuries/therapy , Lower Extremity/injuries , Locomotion
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 845-861, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399480


O objetivo do estudo é avaliar o perfil sociodemográfico, a prevalência e os fatores de risco a lesões em corredores amadores do Rio Grande do Sul. O método de coleta utilizado foi um questionário disponibilizado online. Como critérios de inclusão da pesquisa, foi estabelecido que os sujeitos devessem ser moradores do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, estar praticando corrida de rua nos últimos 12 meses, ser maior de 18 anos e ter aceitado participar do estudo após leitura dos termos. O estudo foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética da instituição. No total participaram da pesquisa 288 corredores, sendo que 53,5% eram homens, com idade média de 38,6±10,4 anos. Dos 288, 80,5% possuíam curso superior, 66% buscavam qualidade de vida, 54,9% relataram treinar de três a quatro vezes na semana, 28,8% percorreram um volume de treino semanal de 10 a 20 km, sendo 52,1% orientados por um profissional de Educação Física. Quanto a prevalência de lesões a amostra do estudo trouxe um número bastante expressivo, onde 46,5% dos corredores tiveram algum tipo lesão. Dessas lesões, a sua maioria afetou membros inferiores, dentre as mais prevalentes 28,1% foram musculares (panturrilha 30,9% e tibial anterior/canela 23,5%) e 35,8% articulares (joelhos 53,4% e tornozelos/pés 36,9%). Os fatores de risco significativamente associados a ocorrência de lesões (p<0,05) foram ser do sexo masculino, ter uma estatura maior, não possuir doença crônica, maior tempo de prática de corrida, maior quantidade de dias de treino, um maior volume semanal, maior velocidade média, seguir planilha pronta da internet e sentir dor ou desconforto pós treino. Concluiu- se que, por meio da identificação do perfil destes corredores e um controle desses dados, pode ser possível um melhor direcionamento de ações de planejamento para prevenir a ocorrência dessas lesões na modalidade.

The objective of the study is to evaluate the sociodemographic profile, prevalence and risk factors for injuries in amateur runners in Rio Grande do Sul. The collection method used was a questionnaire available online. As research inclusion criteria, it was established that the subjects should be residents of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, be practicing street running in the last 12 months, be over 18 years old and have accepted to participate in the study after reading the terms. The study was approved by the institution's ethics committee. In total, 288 runners participated in the research, 53.5% of which were men, with a mean age of 38.6±10.4 years. Of the 288, 80.5% had a college degree, 66% were looking for quality of life, 54.9% reported training three to four times a week, 28.8% covered a weekly training volume of 10 to 20 km, with 52 .1% guided by a Physical Education professional. As for the prevalence of injuries, the study sample brought a very expressive number, where 46.5% of the runners had some type of injury. Of these injuries, most affected lower limbs, among the most prevalent, 28.1% were muscular (calf 30.9% and tibialis anterior/shin 23.5%) and 35.8% were articular (knees 53.4% and ankles/feet 36.9%). The risk factors significantly associated with the occurrence of injuries (p<0.05) were being male, having a higher stature, not having chronic disease, longer running practice, more training days, a greater volume of week, higher average speed, following a ready-made worksheet from the internet and feeling pain or discomfort after training. It was concluded that, through the identification of the profile of these runners and a control of this data, it may be possible to better target planning actions to prevent the occurrence of these injuries in the modality.

El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el perfil sociodemográfico, la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo de lesiones en corredores aficionados de Rio Grande do Sul. El método de recogida utilizado fue un cuestionario disponible en línea. Como criterios de inclusión de la investigación, se estableció que los sujetos debían ser residentes del Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, estar practicando carreras de calle en los últimos 12 meses, tener más de 18 años y haber aceptado participar en el estudio después de leer los términos. El estudio fue aprobado por el comité de ética de la institución. En total, 288 corredores participaron en la investigación, siendo el 53,5% hombres, con una edad media de 38,6±10,4 años. De los 288, el 80,5% tenía titulación universitaria, el 66% buscaba calidad de vida, el 54,9% decía entrenar de tres a cuatro veces por semana, el 28,8% realizaba un volumen de entrenamiento semanal de 10 a 20 km, siendo el 52,1% guiado por un profesional de la Educación Física. En cuanto a la prevalencia de las lesiones, la muestra del estudio arrojó una cifra muy expresiva, ya que el 46,5% de los corredores tuvo algún tipo de lesión. De estas lesiones, la mayoría afectó a los miembros inferiores, entre las más prevalentes el 28,1% fueron musculares (pantorrilla 30,9% y tibia anterior/espinilla 23,5%) y el 35,8% articulares (rodillas 53,4% y tobillos/pies 36,9%). Los factores de riesgo asociados significativamente a la aparición de lesiones (p<0,05) fueron ser varón, ser más alto, no tener una enfermedad crónica, llevar más tiempo corriendo, más días de entrenamiento, mayor volumen semanal, mayor velocidad media, seguir una hoja de entrenamiento preparada en Internet y sentir dolor o molestias después del entrenamiento. Se concluye que, por medio de la identificación del perfil de estos corredores y un control de estos datos, puede ser posible una mejor dirección de las acciones de planificación para prevenir la aparición de estas lesiones en la modalidad.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Running/injuries , Wounds and Injuries , Health Profile , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Physical Education and Training , Quality of Life , Athletic Injuries/epidemiology , Lower Extremity/injuries , Mentoring , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. bras. ortop ; 57(3): 369-374, May-June 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388012


Abstract The present update was based on new scientific evidence of major hip-related tendinopathies. Themes were addressed that involve the principles of the onset of tendinopathies through, mainly, the principle of capacity versus demand and the biomechanical aspects involved in its onset, its main characteristics, and clinical presentations. Associated with this, treatment-related updates were presented, with exercise therapy being the focus of conservative treatment and surgical approaches necessary for the control or resolution of these cases.

Resumo A presente atualização foi embasada nas novas evidências científicas das principais tendinopatias relacionadas ao quadril. Foram abordadas temáticas que envolvem os princípios do aparecimento das tendinopatias através, principalmente, do princípio da capacidade versus demanda e os aspectos biomecânicos envolvidos no seu aparecimento, suas principais características e apresentações clínicas. Associadas a isso, foram expostas as atualizações voltadas ao tratamento, coma terapia por exercício sendo o foco do tratamento conservador e as abordagens cirúrgicas necessárias para o controle ou resolução desses casos.

Humans , Hip Injuries/therapy , Lower Extremity/injuries , Tendinopathy/therapy
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408191


Introducción: La enfermedad arterial periférica en pacientes ateroscleróticos diabéticos suele subdiagnosticarse, ya que la mayoría de la población afectada está asintomática. Objetivo: Correlacionar los signos clínicos y ultrasonográficos de la enfermedad arterial periférica de los miembros inferiores en los pacientes ateroscleróticos diabéticos. Métodos: Se hizo un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo en una muestra aleatoria de 209 pacientes diabéticos con enfermedad arterial periférica, según clasificación de Leriche-Fontaine. A estos se les realizó ecografía Doppler. El estudio estadístico se practicó mediante la aplicación del coeficiente de Kappa. Resultados: La enfermedad arterial periférica predominó en el sexo masculino con 60 años y más. En el 26,32 por ciento del miembro inferior izquierdo en tibial posterior se corroboró ausencia de pulso. Según cuadro clínico, por clasificación de Leriche-Fontaine, la más alta incidencia se encontró en el estadio IIb con 33,97 por ciento, seguido por el estadio II con 20,54 por ciento; y por clasificación ecográfica hubo una reducción del diámetro significativo en la pierna izquierda en arterias distales, con un coeficiente de Kappa de 0,927. Conclusiones: Existió una fuerte correlación clínico ecográfica en cuanto al grado de estenosis en la enfermedad arterial periférica de los pacientes diabéticos estudiados(AU)

Introduction: Peripheral arterial disease in diabetic atherosclerotic patients is usually underdiagnosed, since the majority of the affected population is asymptomatic. Objective: Correlate the clinical and ultrasonographic signs of peripheral arterial disease of the lower limbs in diabetic atherosclerotic patients. Methods: A descriptive and prospective study was conducted in a random sample of 209 diabetic patients with peripheral arterial disease, according to the Leriche-Fontaine classification. These underwent Doppler ultrasound. The statistical study was performed by applying the Kappa coefficient. Results: Peripheral arterial disease predominated in males aged 60 years and over. In 26.32 percent of the left lower limb in the posterior tibial, the absence of pulse was confirmed. According to the clinical picture, by Leriche-Fontaine classification, the highest incidence was found in stage IIb with 33.97 percent, followed by stage II with 20.54 percent; and by ultrasound classification there was a significant reduction in diameter in the left leg in distal arteries, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.927. Conclusions: There was a strong clinical ultrasound correlation regarding the degree of stenosis in peripheral arterial disease of the diabetic patients studied(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ultrasonography, Doppler/methods , Lower Extremity/injuries , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/etiology , Peripheral Arterial Disease/diagnostic imaging , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies
Clin. biomed. res ; 42(3): 292-295, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416964


A Síndrome de Stewart-Treves é uma rara condição onde um angiossarcoma se desenvolve sobre área de linfedema crônico. Afeta mais frequentemente os membros superiores e representa 5% dos casos de angiossarcoma. Apesar de ser mais comum em mulheres submetidas a mastectomia radical e esvaziamento axilar por neoplasia de mama, pode ocorrer a partir de linfedema de outras etiologias. Clinicamente as lesões são caracterizadas por nódulos únicos ou múltiplos de cor avermelhada ou azulada no estágio inicial e, em estágio avançado, podem evoluir para massas hemorrágicas e até gangrena. O prognóstico é ruim e a conduta cirúrgica com excisão ampla ou amputação oferecem uma maior chance de sobrevida. Relata-se um caso de Síndrome de Stewart-Treves na perna direita, apresentando-se de forma exuberante e com acometimento de linfonodos pélvicos e abdominais.

Stewart-Treves syndrome is a rare condition characterized by the development of an angiosarcoma at sites of chronic lymphedema. It most often affects the upper limbs and accounts for 5% of cases of angiosarcoma. Although the syndrome is more common in women undergoing radical mastectomy and axillary dissection for breast cancer, it may result from lymphedema of other etiologies. Clinically, the lesions are characterized by single or multiple bluish-red nodules in the early stage and may progress to hemorrhagic masses and even gangrene in advanced stages. The prognosis is poor, and surgical management with wide excision or amputation offers a greater chance of survival. We report a case of profuse Stewart-Treves syndrome in the right leg, with involvement of pelvic and abdominal lymph nodes.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Lower Extremity/injuries , Hemangiosarcoma/pathology , Lymphangiosarcoma/pathology , Lymphedema/complications , Amputation, Surgical
Rev. venez. cir. ortop. traumatol ; 53(2): 72-81, dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1518222


Las fracturas diafisarias del fémur y la tibia son las lesiones traumáticas más comunes a nivel mundial, afectan principalmente a la población joven y económicamente activa como consecuencia de traumatismos de alta energía, en su mayoría accidentes viales. Las complicaciones de estas lesiones han sido ampliamente descritas y las implicaciones médico-legales son importantes cuando estas no son detectadas a tiempo. Por lo que resulta relevante estudiar como se comportan las presiones intracompartimentales en las fracturas cerradas y su evolución en el tiempo, así como las manifestaciones clínicas durante las primeras 12 horas de evolución. Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal en 65 pacientes con fracturas cerradas diafisarias de fémur y tibia, evaluando las cifras de presión intracompartimental y las variables clínicas al momento de su ingreso y a las 12 horas de evolución intrahospitalaria. Encontramos que el compartimento más afectado es el anterior con un promedio de presión al ingreso de 22,26±6,90 mmHg. Asimismo, se demostró una relación directa entre el mecanismo y energía del trauma con respecto a las cifras de presión intracompartimental. Los resultados del estudio demostraron que el parámetro clínico más importante fue el dolor, el cual está relacionado con la energía del trauma(AU)

Diaphyseal fractures of the femur and tibia are the most common traumatic injuries worldwide, mainly affecting the young and economically active population as a consequence of high-energy trauma, mostly traffic related accidents. The complications of these injuries have been widely described and the legal implications are important when they are not detected early enough. Therefore, its relevant to study how intracompartmental pressures behave in closed fractures and their evolution, as well as the clinical manifestations during the first 12 hours. A cross-sectional observational study was made. 65 patients with closed diaphyseal fractures of the femur and tibia were included. The intracompartmental pressure numbers and the clinical variables at the time of admission and at 12 hours of in-hospital evolution were evaluated. As results, the most affected compartment is the anterior one with an average pressure at admission of 22.26 ± 6.90 mmHg. A direct relationship between the mechanism and energy of the trauma was also demonstrated with respect to the intracompartmental pressure levels reported. The most important clinical parameter was the pain, related to the energy of the trauma(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Compartment Syndromes , Lower Extremity/injuries , Fractures, Bone , Signs and Symptoms , Accidents, Traffic , Femur
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(4): 483-487, ago. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388858


Resumen Introducción: Los pacientes diabéticos insulino requirientes con heridas del pie, producto de amputaciones con exposición de huesos, cartílagos o tendones, son de difícil manejo por el déficit de irrigación distal. Alternativa de tratamiento a los colgajos pediculados o microquirúrgicos es el cierre progresivo de las heridas. Objetivo: Reportar la técnica de cierre progresivo de heridas de pie en pacientes diabéticos insulino requirientes. Materiales y Método: Con esta técnica se operó a 15 pacientes diabéticos insulino requirientes que, después de amputación, presentaron heridas del pie con exposición de huesos, cartílagos y tendones. Lesiones de talón: 4, lesiones de antepie: 5 y lesiones plantares: 6. Las edades fluctuaron entre 45 y 70 años. Fueron 11 hombres y 4 mujeres operados entre 2014 y 2019. En ambos bordes de la herida se instaló dos placas de Ventrofil® unidas por sutura en U transversa y se tensó cada 3 días hasta obtener cicatrización. Resultados: 14 pacientes obtuvieron cicatrización en un plazo de entre 15 y 21 días y sólo uno presentó sufrimiento de los bordes de la herida por afrontamiento muy seguido. El seguimiento fue de tres meses sin recidiva de las heridas. Discusión: En pacientes diabéticos las heridas, producto de amputaciones y con exposición de huesos, cartílagos y tendones, son de muy difícil tratamiento debido el déficit de irrigación distal. En estas condiciones el uso de complejos colgajos locales o microquirúrgicos es de alto riesgo dada la posibilidad de necrosis. En esta situación, el cierre progresivo con sutura de Ventrofil® es una alternativa viable, segura, reproducible y con buenos resultados. Conclusión: Es un procedimiento rápido, seguro y reproducible.

Introduction: The closure of wounds in diabetic foot patients, after amputation with esposure of bones, is difficult because of lack of blood supply to this area. The progressive suture with Ventrofil® is a good alternative. Aim: Report the technique of progressive closure of foot wounds in insulin-requiring diabetic patients. Materials and Method: 15 patients with diabetic foot were operated on in the Hospital del Salvador, between 2014 and 2019.The ages were among 45 and 70 years. 11 men and 4 women. In those patients two plaques of Ventrofil® were positioned in both borders of the wound an tied through a horizontal suture.This suture was tensioned every 3 days until get the complete wound healing. Results: 14 patients healed very well and in just only one patient there was suffering of the edges of the wound. The follow up was of 3 months without relapse. Discussion: In patients with diabetic foot with wounds after amputation the closure is difficult because of lack of adecuate blood supply. In these case the progressive suture with plaques of Ventrofil® is a good alternative to a more complex flaps like microsurgicals ones. Conclusion: This technique is sure, easy to perfom and safe.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Diabetic Foot/complications , Diabetic Foot/therapy , Lower Extremity/injuries , Suture Techniques , Diabetic Foot/prevention & control , Diabetes Mellitus/therapy
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 27(2): 67-70, 20210000. graf, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1357667


Introducción. Hasta un 90% de las mordeduras de animales son producidas por perros. Los niños son la población más vulnerable frente a las mordeduras ya que suelen afectar una mayor proporción de superficie corporal. Objetivo. Analizar la casuística de mordeduras de perro y su repercusión en nuestro entorno. Métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo de un período de 8 años, que incluyó a todos los pacientes de 0 a 18 años con diagnóstico de mordedura de perro. Resultados. Se incluyeron 183 pacientes con diagnóstico de mordedura de perro. El promedio de edad fue de 6,1 años, y el grupo etario más afectado fue el de los niños de 3 a 5 años (38,3%). El tratamiento quirúrgico fue dividido en pacientes que requirieron rafia por planos (84,6%), colgajos (11,4%), injertos (3,4%) y puntos de aproximación (1%). Se reportaron 8 pacientes con complicaciones (4,4%). Conclusión. Los niños de 3 a 5 años son los más afectados por mordeduras de perro y la zona de cabeza y cuello es la más común. Un porcentaje importante de pacientes requirieron colgajos e injertos con buenos resultados.

Introduction. Up to 90% of animal bites are produced by dogs. Children are the most vulnerable population because bites tend to affect greater body surface area. Outcome. Analyze dog bites cases and their impact on our environment. Methods. An observational, descriptive, retrospective study during an 8 year period was carried out, which included all patients from 0 to 18 years with a diagnosis of dog bite. Results. A total of 183 patients with a diagnosis of dog bite were found. The average age was 6.1 years, and the age group most affected was children from 3 to 5 years old (38.3%). Surgical treatment was divided into: patients who required suture by planes (84.6%), flaps (11.4%) and grafts (3.4%) and approximation stitches (1%). Complications were reported in 8 patients (4.4%). Conclusion. Children from 3 to 5 years old are the most affected by dog bites, the head and neck area is the most common. A significant percentage of patients required flaps and grafts with good results.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Wounds and Injuries/surgery , Bites and Stings/therapy , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Vaccination , Neck Injuries/therapy , Transplants/surgery , Lower Extremity/injuries , Upper Extremity/injuries , Dogs/injuries , Facial Injuries/therapy , Wound Closure Techniques , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Cambios rev. méd ; 20(1): 87-93, 30 junio 2021. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292972


INTRODUCCIÓN. Los defectos de la fosa poplítea suponen un desafío reconstructivo para el cirujano plástico, dada la relación íntima de esta área con la articulación de la rodilla y la neurovasculatura vital subyacente. El propósito de éste informe fie compartir la experiencia en la utilización de un colgajo fasciocutaneode la arteria safena. CASO CLÍNICO. Paciente de 5 años de edad que sufrió quemadura térmica en miembros inferiores con dos años y medio de evolución, ameritó injertos, presentó contractura por tejido cicatricial en fosa poplítea, dificultó la deambulación y desarrollo neuro osteomuscular. Se realizó reconstrucción de la fosa poplítea con colgajo fasciocutáneo de la arteria safena. RESULTADOS. El colgajo fasciocutáneo de la arteria safena dio cobertura al defecto en fosa poplítea izquierda tras retiro del tejido cicatricial que producía contractura, limitaba la marcha y el desarrollo neuro osteo-muscular. Seis meses postquirúrgicos brindó cobertura cutánea definitiva y estable en el área crítica, que permitió la deambulación con movimientos de extensión y flexión de rodilla conservados. DISCUSIÓN. Este colgajo al igual que en otros estudios que respaldan su ejecución brindó excelentes resultados en defectos de partes blandas a nivel de la articulación de la rodilla. CONCLUSIÓN. El colgajo fasciocutáneo de la arteria safena demostró utilidad para la reconstrucción del defecto de la fosa poplítea, posibilitó una cobertura definitiva, funcional y estética, restableció los ángulos de movilidad y favoreció el desarrollo pondoestatural del paciente.

INTRODUCTION. Defects of the popliteal fossa pose a reconstructive challenge for the plastic surgeon, because of the intimate relation of this area with the knee joint and the near vital neurovasculature; the purpose of this report was to share the experience of using a fasciocutaneous flap of the saphenous artery. CLINICAL CASE. A 5 year old patient who suffered thermal burn in lower limbs with two and a half years of evolution, he nedeed grafts and presented tissue contracture because the scar in the popliteal fossa hindered ambulation and neuro-osteomuscular growth. Reconstruction of the popliteal fossa was made it with a fasciocutaneous flap of the saphenous artery. RESULTS. The fasciocutaneous flap of the saphenous artery covered the defect in the left popliteal fossa after removal of the scar tissue that caused contracture, limited to walk and growth. Six months after surgery the flap provided definitive and secure skin coverage in the critical area, which allowed to walk with preserved knee extension and flexion movements. DISCUSSION. This flap was useful for the recons-truction of the defect of the popliteal fossa and provided excellent results in soft tissue defects in this area of the knee joint. CONCLUSION. The fasciocutaneous flap of the saphenous artery proved useful for the reconstruction of the popliteal fossa defect, it permited a definitive, functional and esthetic coverage, reestablished the angles of mobility and helped with the patient growth

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Arteries , Regeneration , Surgical Flaps , Burns , Lower Extremity/injuries , Pediatrics , Child Development , Skin Transplantation , Motor Skills Disorders , Knee , Knee Joint
Medisan ; 24(3)mayo.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1125123


Introducción: La trombosis venosa profunda consiste en la formación de un trombo en un trayecto de una vena profunda, lo que provoca la oclusión total o parcial de esta. Objetivo: Caracterizar una población de afectados por esta entidad clínica, según variables de interés. Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio observacional y descriptivo de serie de casos, de pacientes con presunto diagnóstico clínico de trombosis venosa de miembros inferiores, atendidos en el Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular del Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Docente Saturnino Lora Torres de Santiago de Cuba desde enero de 2015 hasta junio de 2017, en quienes se realizó ecografía Doppler para confirmar la presencia de este episodio vascular. Resultados: La enfermedad primó en el grupo etario de 65 y más años (32,1 %) y en el sexo femenino (74,1 %). La inmovilidad de miembros inferiores constituyó el factor de riesgo predominante (27,0 %), en tanto el dolor, el edema y la taquicardia resultaron las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes (20,5 % en cada una), y el miembro inferior izquierdo fue el más afectado (69,0 %). Conclusiones: La trombosis venosa de los miembros inferiores se presentó como propia de las edades avanzadas de la vida, fundamentalmente en mujeres, con un cuadro clínico que indicaba claramente su existencia.

Introduction: The deep venous thrombosis consists on the formation of a clot in a deep vein way, what causes its total or partial occlusion. Objective: To characterize a population affected by this clinical entity, according to variables of interest. Methods: An observational and descriptive study of a serial cases, of patients with presumed clinical diagnosis of venous thrombosis of the lower limbs, assisted in the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service of Saturnino Lora Torres Teaching Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital was carried out in Santiago de Cuba from January, 2015 to June, 2017, to whom a Doppler echography to confirm the presence of this vascular episode was carried out. Results: The disease prevailed in the 65 and more age group (32.1 %) and in the female sex (74.1 %). The immobility of lower limbs constituted the predominant risk factor (27.0 %), as long as pain, edema and tachycardia were the most frequent clinical manifestations (20.5 % in each one), and the left lower limb was the most affected (69.0 %). Conclusions: The venous thrombosis of lower limbs was presented as characteristic of the advanced ages of life, mainly in women, with a clinical pattern that indicated with high clarity its existence.

Ultrasonography, Doppler , Venous Thrombosis , Venous Thrombosis/epidemiology , Lower Extremity/injuries
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 26(1): 9-16, ene-mar 2020. tab, fig, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120366


El dolor asociado a heridas complejas se erige como una gran barrera para la resolución de estas, debido a la complejidad de abordaje y a la imposibilidad de establecer un patrón de algoritmo por diversos factores y su carácter heterogéneo, así como por la presencia de manifestaciones múltiples asociadas. Este dolor provoca al paciente un daño no solo físico sino también psicosocial, porque la escasa respuesta a los tratamientos habituales, y si bien es sensible a la medicación con opiáceos, los resultados son insufi cientes a largo plazo en un significativo número de pacientes, en quienes provoca además efectos no deseables. Se establece en el presente trabajo la administración subcutánea de dextrosa 5% a través de una técnica de infiltración perineural para el tratamiento de la infl amación neurogénica responsable del mencionado padecimiento, en las terminaciones libres de los nervios sensitivos cutáneos. Para ello se decidió realizar un estudio descriptivo multicéntrico a partir de junio del 2016 hasta mayo del 2017 en 60 pacientes que presentaban dolor crónico en ulceras de miembro inferior de diferente etiología con antecedente de medicación analgésica previa con resultado parcial (no controlado) y que tuviera evolución de su dolor entre 3 meses y 4 años.

The pain associated with complex wounds is established as a great barrier for the irresolution, due to the complexity of the approach and the impossibility of establishing an algorithm pattern due to various factors and their heterogeneous nature, as well as the presence of associated multiple manifestations. . This pain causes not only physical but psychosocial damage to the patient, because of the poor response to the usual treatments, and although it is sensitive to medication with opiates, the results are insufficient in the long-term in a significant number of patients, in whom it also causes undesirable effects. The present work establishes the subcutaneous administration of 5% dextrose through a perineural infi ltration technique for the treatment of the neurogenic inflammation responsible for the afore mentioned condition, in the free terminations of the cutaneous sensory nerves. For this, it was decided to carry out a multicenter descriptive study from June 2016 to May 2017 in 60 patients who presented chronic pain in lower limb ulcers of different etiology with a history of previous analgesic medication with partial (uncontrolled) outcome and had evolution of your pain between 3 months and 4 years.

Humans , Male , Female , Ulcer/therapy , Wound Healing , Infiltration-Percolation , Lower Extremity/injuries , Chronic Pain/diagnosis , Prolotherapy/methods
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 26(1): 31-35, ene-mar 2020. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120491


El nevus melanocítico gigante es una entidad poco frecuente. En los primeros meses o años de vida, pueden aparecer nódulos dérmicos pequeños o grandes, muy pigmentados, que pueden crecer rápidamente o incluso ulcerarse. Esto obliga a realizar diagnóstico diferencial con el melanoma. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 3 años de edad, con gran lesión pigmentada en pierna izquierda, con nódulos de rápido crecimiento, compatibles con nódulo proliferativo.

Giant melanocytic nevi are rare. In the fi rst few months or even years of life, they may develop small or large dermic nodules, very pigmented, with rapid growth o even ulcer formation. This forces the diff erential diagnosis with melanoma. We present a case of a 3 year old female patient, with a large pigmented lesion on the left leg, with nodules compatible with proliferative nodules.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Transplants/surgery , Lower Extremity/injuries , Therapy, Soft Tissue , Nevus/therapy , Nevus, Pigmented/surgery
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 21(1): 1-10, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123686


El objetivo es verificar si existe relación entre la probabilidad de lesión en extremidades del tren inferior y el índice de grasa corporal en estudiantes que participan de talleres deportivos en la Universidad Adventista de Chile. Participaron 66 alumnos entre las áreas deportivas voleibol, básquetbol, fútbol y hándbol por un método de muestreo censal. Todos los participantes de la investigación fueron evaluados por medio del instrumento "Y balance Test", para verificar si son propensos a sufrir una lesión de tren inferior y además se les realizó una evaluación antropométrica para conocer su índice de grasa corporal. Los resultados no encontraron correlación entre porcentaje de grasa y probabilidad de lesión, sin embargo, se encontró correlación entre probabilidad de lesión entre una pierna y otra

The objective is to verify if there is a relationship between the likelihood of limb injury in the lower body and the body fat index in students participating in sports workshops at the Adventist University of Chile. 66 students participated in sports areas such as volleyball, basketball, soccer and handball by a census sampling method. All the participants of the investigation were evaluated by means of the "Y balance Test" instrument, to verify if they are prone to suffer a lower train injury and also an anthropometric evaluation was done to know their body fat index. The results did not find correlation between fat percentage and injury probability, however, a correlation was found between the injury probability between one leg and the another

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Sports , Students , Adipose Tissue , Lower Extremity/injuries , Universities , Cross-Sectional Studies , Probability
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(2): 243-249, apr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015978


Introdução: Lesões no terço distal dos membros inferiores, com exposição de ossos, articulações, tendões e vasos sanguíneos, não são passíveis do uso de enxertos de pele. Isto ocorre porque o leito vascular é exíguo e pela pobre granulação das feridas, podendo apenas ser corrigidas com retalhos musculares, miocutâneos, fasciocutâneos ou transferência microcirúrgica. Métodos: O retalho em seu limite inferior é demarcado a partir de 5 cm acima dos maléolos. Superiormente, é marcado num comprimento suficiente para cobertura total da lesão. Realizada incisão em demarcação prévia, e elevados pele e tecido subcutâneo juntamente com a fáscia muscular. O nervo sural é preservado em seu leito original. A elevação do retalho se dá até o ponto inferior marcado (o pedículo). Neste ponto, o retalho é transposto numa angulação suficiente para alcançar a lesão. Resultados: Oito casos foram operados utilizando o retalho descrito. Todos apresentavam exposição de ossos e tendões em região distal da perna, dorso do pé ou ambos, nos quais foram utilizados o retalho fasciocutâneo reverso da perna com a técnica proposta por Carriquiry. Os casos apresentaram resultados estético e funcional satisfatórios. Conclusão: O retalho utilizado se presta à correção de lesões do terço inferior da perna e do pé. É relativamente fácil de ser confeccionado, com bom suprimento vascular, e não há perda funcional do leito doador.

Introduction: Skin grafts are not effective to cover lesions in the distal third of the lower limbs that expose the bones, joints, tendons, and blood vessels due to a limited vascular bed and poor granulation of the wounds. These lesions can only be corrected with microsurgical transfer or muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flaps. Methods: The lower border of the flap was marked 5 cm above the malleolus. The upper border was marked after providing sufficient length for complete coverage of the lesion. The incision was performed at the marked upper border, and the skin and subcutaneous tissue were elevated together with muscle fascia. The sural nerve was preserved in its original bed. The flap was lifted to the marked lower border (the pedicle). At this point, the flap was transposed at a sufficient angle to cover the lesion. Results: Eight cases of surgery were conducted using the flap described above. All cases had exposed bones and tendons in the distal region of the limb, back of the foot, or both, in which the reverse sural fasciocutaneous flap with the technique proposed by Carriquiry was used. The cases showed satisfactory esthetic and functional results. Conclusion: The used flap can correct lesions of the lower third of the limbs and foot. It is relatively easy to make, with good vascular supply, and there is no functional loss of the donor area.

Humans , Sural Nerve/surgery , Sural Nerve/injuries , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Foot Bones/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Lower Extremity/surgery , Lower Extremity/injuries , Leg Bones/surgery
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 17(2): 110-112, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus., tab.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026531


A vasculopatia livedoide é uma doença rara caracterizada pela oclusão da microvasculatura da derme, originando lesões maculosas que, posteriormente, podem evoluir para úlceras e cicatrizes atróficas. Como um fenômeno vaso-oclusivo, o tratamento geralmente é realizado com antiplaquetários e fibrinolíticos. O presente relato descreve o caso de uma paciente refratária à terapia convencional, que obteve regressão da doença utilizando a rivaroxabana, um fármaco inibidor seletivo do fator Xa. (AU)

Livedoid vasculopathy is a rare disease characterized by occlusion of the dermis microvasculature, leading to spotted lesions that can later develop into ulcers and atrophic scars. As a vaso- occlusive phenomenon, treatment is usually performed with antiplatelet and fibrinolytic agents. The present report describes the case of a female patient refractory to conventional therapy who presented disease remission using rivaroxaban, a selective factor Xa inhibitor drug. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Thrombosis/drug therapy , Skin Diseases, Vascular/drug therapy , Thrombotic Microangiopathies/drug therapy , Rivaroxaban/therapeutic use , Livedoid Vasculopathy , Paresthesia , Pentoxifylline/therapeutic use , Polyneuropathies/diagnosis , Thrombosis/complications , Vasodilator Agents/therapeutic use , Biopsy , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Nifedipine/therapeutic use , Fibromyalgia , Skin Diseases, Vascular/complications , Skin Diseases, Vascular/diagnosis , Connective Tissue Diseases/complications , Lower Extremity/injuries , Electromyography , Thrombotic Microangiopathies/complications , Factor Xa Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Foot/pathology , Diverticular Diseases , Smokers , Gabapentin/therapeutic use , Analgesics/therapeutic use
Rev. cuba. cir ; 58(2): e645, mar.-jun. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093165


RESUMEN La amputación traumática completa se define como la separación total de un segmento del miembro del resto del cuerpo. El segmento cercenado algunas veces se puede reconectar, siempre que ambas partes de la extremidad hayan sido correctamente tratadas y se cumplan determinadas condiciones. Se presentan dos casos de amputación traumática de ambos miembros inferiores: el primero, una paciente femenina de 49 años de edad, debido a un accidente de trabajo y, el segundo, un paciente masculino de 39 años, víctima de un accidente en las vías férreas. Se expone la sintomatología presentada por ambos pacientes, su tratamiento quirúrgico y evolución(AU)

ABSTRACT Complete traumatic amputation is defined as the total separation of a limb segment from the rest of the body. The severed segment can sometimes be reconnected, provided that both parts of the limb have been correctly treated and certain conditions are met. Two cases of traumatic amputation of both lower limbs are presented: the first, a female patient of 49 years of age, due to an accident at work; and the second, a male patient of 39 years, victim of a railroad accident. The symptoms presented by both patients, their surgical treatment and evolution are exposed(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Accidents, Occupational , Lower Extremity/injuries , Amputation, Traumatic/surgery
Acta cir. bras ; 33(4): 296-305, Apr. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886282


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the effect of the cilostazol on the evolution of partially avulsed flaps, using experimental model of cutaneous degloving in rat limbs. Methods: A controlled and randomized experimental study was carried out in which the blood flow and the percentage of flap necrosis were evaluated. We compared the study group, which received cilostazol, and the control group, which received enteral saline solution in the postoperative period. The blood flow in the flap was evaluated through Laser Doppler flowmetry, and a planimetry using the IMAGE J® software was employed for the calculation of the area of necrosis. Results: Enteral administration of cilostazol was associated with a higher mean blood flow in all regions of the flap, with a statistically significant difference in the proximal and middle regions (p<0.001) and a lower percentage of necrotic area in the flap (p<0.001). Conclusion: Postoperative enteral administration of cilostazol increased blood flow and decreased the total area of necrosis of avulsed cutaneous flaps of rat limbs.

Humans , Animals , Male , Tetrazoles/therapeutic use , Disease Models, Animal , Phosphodiesterase 3 Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Degloving Injuries/drug therapy , Reference Values , Regional Blood Flow/drug effects , Surgical Flaps , Tetrazoles/pharmacology , Time Factors , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Rats, Wistar , Laser-Doppler Flowmetry , Lower Extremity/blood supply , Lower Extremity/injuries , Lower Extremity/pathology , Phosphodiesterase 3 Inhibitors/pharmacology , Degloving Injuries/surgery , Degloving Injuries/pathology , Necrosis/drug therapy
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 16(1): eAO4137, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891463


Abstract Objective To analyze the combined effects of the silk protein sericin and swimming exercise on histomorphometry of the plantar muscle in Wistar rats. Methods Forty adult rats were randomly allocated into 5 groups comprising 8 animals each, as follows: Control, Injury, Sericin, Swim, and Swim plus Sericin. Three days after crushing of the sciatic nerve the rats in the Swim and Swim plus Sericin Groups were submitted to swimming exercise for 21 days. Rats were then euthanized and the plantar muscle harvested and processed. Results Cross-sectional area, peripheral nuclei and muscle fiber counts, nucleus/fiber ratio and smallest muscle fiber width did not differ significantly between groups. Morphological analysis revealed hypertrophic fibers in the Swim Group and evident muscle damage in the Swim plus Sericin and Injury Groups. The percentage of intramuscular collagen was apparently maintained in the Swim Group compared to remaining groups. Conclusion Combined treatment with sericin and swimming exercise did not improve muscle properties. However, physical exercise alone was effective in maintaining intramuscular connective tissue and preventing progression of deleterious effects of peripheral nerve injury.

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar o efeito da proteína sericina associada ao exercício físico de natação na histomorfometria do músculo plantar de ratos Wistar. Métodos Foram utilizados 40 ratos adultos divididos aleatoriamente em 5 grupos, com 8 animais cada: Controle, Lesão, Sericina, Natação, Natação e Sericina. Três dias após a compressão do nervo isquiático, os Grupos Natação e Exercício e Sericina foram submetidos ao exercício físico de natação durante 21 dias. Após, os animais foram sacrificados, e o músculo plantar foi processado. Resultados Não houve diferença da área da secção transversa entre os grupos, quantidade de núcleos periféricos, quantidade de fibra, relação núcleo/fibra e diâmetro menor. A análise morfológica revelou que no Grupo Natação ocorreu hipertrofia das fibras, assim como nos Grupos Exercício e Sericina e Lesão, o dano muscular foi evidente. O percentual de conjuntivo intramuscular parece ter sido mantido no Grupo Exercício em relação aos demais grupos. Conclusão A associação da proteína sericina e exercício físico de natação não foi eficiente na melhora das propriedades musculares, embora a aplicação do exercício físico tenha sido eficiente na manutenção do conjuntivo intramuscular, e no não agravamento dos efeitos deletérios consequentes da lesão nervosa periférica.

Animals , Rats , Physical Conditioning, Animal/physiology , Swimming/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/innervation , Lower Extremity/innervation , Sericins/pharmacology , Random Allocation , Rats, Wistar , Muscle, Skeletal/injuries , Muscle, Skeletal/pathology , Lower Extremity/injuries , Lower Extremity/pathology , Disease Models, Animal , Nerve Crush